Why Does the Constitution Matter?
Well, it only secures the right to bear arms. It only secures the right to speak your mind. It only secures the right to believe what you believe. It even lets you watch TV! The Bill of Rights in the Constitution secures the right to bear arms, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press.
But why should we have freedom? Shouldn't the government control everything? Anyway, the officials were elected, so they obviously must be really smart, right?
Sorry guys, but NO! As James Madison so wisely stated, "The truth is that all living men having power ought to be mistrusted." Who can say this better than the Father of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? But Madison doesn't mean be paranoid about who our leaders are. We should just be careful and keep an eye on our leaders. You can trust James Madison, because he knows how to keep this country free through his "baby", the US Constitution.
So the Constitution matters because it gives us our freedom, and freedom matters because no one can control it better than "We the People".