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Freedom to Bear Arms

Why Amendment II Matters

Freedom to bear arms is another way of saying "freedom to own guns". This is an important amendment in the Constitution!

Why is this important? Anyway, you don't want to blast of fingers off from using them. And also, we want to prevent terrorists from killing us. So if we take away guns, they will never kill us! 

Sorry, but NO! California has some very strict gun laws, and still there was a terror attack in San Bernardino, CA, on December 2nd, 2015. Guns, used properly, can be the only way to defend yourself if there is a terror attack.


Former President Obama thought that we should not have any guns. If he really thought so, he should start with himself and get rid of his Secret Service Agents that HAVE GUNS! Anyway, Obama is a leader. He should set the example. And his kids - they have the best security in the WORLD. What makes Obama's kids better than you?

If we create a system where US citizens have to qualify to own a gun, it would make it that much harder for innocent men and women to protect themselves and their families. If someone wants to shoot someone, they will find their way around any system. The harder we make it for good people to own a gun, the easier it will become for criminals to acquire a gun.

Making good people helpless does not make bad people harmless.

Some have made the point that we should outlaw guns so shootings will stop - just like we had people stop using drugs by outlawing them.


Guns don't kill people, people do.


Guns are women's rights, in addition to men's. If you look at women and men, women are more vulnerable because of their physical strength.  If a guy comes to attack a woman, she is physically impaired to fight him and truly defend herself.  If she wants to make things even, she needs a gun.  This is the best way to defend herself.

And let's not forget that the most deadly shootings were performed by governments. I know, we're not anywhere near Nazi Germany or Communist Russia. But history has shown that if you take away freedom, the government becomes corrupt. When we were just starting out some wanted George Washington to be called king. He suggested "president" which was a much humbler title at the time. Now the president has more power than was ever intended. Executive Orders do not require Congressional approval to take effect but they have the same legal weight as laws passed by Congress. The President's source of authority to issue Executive Orders can be found in the Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution which grants to the President the "executive Power."

As the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, Presidents have sent troops to battle without an official war declaration (which happened in Vietnam and Korea).When we start to forget what we even stand for, all it takes is one bad person to get into office. The current politicians may have the best intentions at the moment, but things can change. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Taking away guns gives the government a huge amount of power over the people. These things happen. If we don't take action it's not about if, it's about when.

Some might want to practice moderation in the ownership of guns. In the Gospel of Luke 22:36, Christ states that "if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." (NIV) Others might want to own several for hunting, etc. To each his own - the Bill of Rights does not specify how many we are allowed to own.

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