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All Things Fun and Constitutional

It's a Kahoot!

A Kahoot is an online quiz. They are awesome!

To play a Kahoot, gather some friends (each with a device), and gather around a laptop.

On the laptop, go to the link.

On the other devices, go to

Type in the game code shown on the laptop.

Start the game and have fun!

(This list of links will always be added to.)

Basic Constitution quiz:

The Preamble to the US Constitution (fill in the blanks) quiz:

Word Search

This here is a Constitution Word Search! Look for words like Anti-federalist

to Legislative to Freedom.

Crossword Puzzle

Constitution crossword puzzles are awesome - and make sure you know what every word means!

Uh Oh! Double Trouble...

Hey, wait! It's not double trouble! It's a double puzzle! Have fun unscrambling the Constitutional words!

Liberty's Kids #40 We The People parts 1 and 2

I'm Just a Bill                                                   School House Rock                Three-Ring-Circus

Studio C - Our Friend's Dumb Argument and International Relations

The US Constitution

The US Constitution is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving liberty for posterity.

This website will always be a work in progress. Check occasionally to find out what's new!

© Copyright 2016-18 by thePatrioticRomper

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